What we were doing in between treatments

We knew that we were on a time limited participation block with the major portion of Ryan's treatment starting today, so for the past week we have been busting hump on finishing the basement remodeling that we sorta started this past summer. Nothing like a cancer diagnosis to light a fire under your ass!

If you haven't seen the Romanian submarine themed pub, click here:
That should give you an idea of the look we are kind of going for. With the kids still living with us, it will take a while before we fully achieve the look we are going for. Like everything else in life, it's a work in progress.

So while we wait for the finished product, enjoy these work in progress, transformation pictures. I will post more as we go.

Suited up

Ready to roll!

Protecting the rest of the room
to spray the open ceiling black
Giving it that industrial feel
Creating our own pub/rec room

Distressing the wood frame
Ceiling done except for lightening

Black frames with oiled bronze tiles
New paint color

1 wall done. Left wall is a sand color. New color is a gray


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