
Showing posts from March, 2019

Episode II - The Carcinoma Strikes Back!

It has been awhile since I posted in this blog. We primarily shifted updates to the facebook group simply because it is easier to access, but in some ways I like this format better. Our last update was that my July PET scan was clear... with caveats.  As with any cancer, it is important to keep up with regular checkups and scans, which we have been faithfully doing.  I had a chest CT conducted in September which was clear (same minor concerns from July with no changes). The next CT was done in January. I could tell from the tone of voice when the doctor called with the results that it was NOT good. They scheduled me for the next available PET scan to see if there was potential malignant activity. After the scan was done, they told me not leave the building as it was being immediately read. Naturally, I assumed this was to keep up their reputation for outstanding patient service and was no way an indication of the medical urgency 🙄. The next step was a trip to the pulmonologist who